06 May 2007

Weltwechsel, mystery film

When DoP Volkmar Geiblinger asked us if we would join the production he was working on for the complicated night shoots I felt honored and knew I was in for some diligent and spooky stuff! We were able to use Tungsten Lights for all the night locations. For a scene which takes the main character on to a mystic hill (- quite amazing, it was used by Druids about 700 B.C) we illuminated the hill with space lights. The rig consisted of 10 space lights (without the silk) which gave us a bigger surface than if we would have used a 12 k HMI or so. Anyway - Tungsten is a much more beautiful source (especially on the skin). Due to the way (the naked) space lights are built it gave us a unique, beautiful texture on the dry grass (and of course on the faces). Since it was a HD production, Volkmar was OK with adjusting the color temperature digitally. (Gelling the space lights would have become a problem with the wind issues we were having out in the open...) An interesting task was calculating the the needed hight of the Condor, not knowing the hight of the hill. Suunto and the cos funtion did the job! As always, thanks to the great key grip alex broschek and my team! For the pictures, please click here! CLICK

1 comment:

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