06 June 2008


Rauris - if you ever come to Austria in Winter and somebody says, let's go to Rauris - don't, well, or lets say you better be dressed real warm. Rauris is the coldest spot in Austria. I'd say I got my gear together, but I still partly froze two of my toes. Thats the time of day when I got quite angry again that someone stole my real expensive mountain shoes in Sarajevo. Anyway, Rauris has an impressive collection of high end Mountain gear - too late for my toes though ... but what am I talking about - lets switch subjects. We did some nice stuff in Rauris for a Short, again I was able to bring along the RLS gear (for more infos go to: www.dangl.tv ... /ligth and grip, there is a RLS Link there) Were getting quite fancy in the use of the reflectors, because as soon as you can handle the combination of more refelctors, you get even more serious results. When you look at the pics, keep in mind that ALL interieur shots were done at night time with the use of TWO 1200W paralell beams. The first picture shows a fire simulation with two Minibrutes which were punched through a dozend of tangling gels. The gels are mounted on a windmachine, the wind keeps them up and creates the "fire" effect. We came up with the idea at the scouting, it worked very well! Here are the pictures.

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