26 October 2008

tatort "Baum der Erlösung"

I have always avoided TV "mak'em fast and don't look back" productions. But since DoP Thomas Kiennast was willing to take on the challenge, I was sure we would be in for a sweat but would end up with a good TV feature. To be honest we were both struck by our limitations (our "larger" standard equipment consisted of one 6k par, one 4k par for daylight and one 10k and one 5k for tungsten lights! We got additional stuff or extra days, but all in all that was the challenge. Working fast, maintaining a high quality.
Just to give an example, we lit a street as planned, but by the time rehearsals were done, the shot ended up looking down on to a plaza. but no more "big" untits in the truck! So we lit the whole plaza with one 2k! Thomas got the production to improvise a wetdown so he could play the whole scene as a silhoute in the refelction of the light. masterly! we were rolling 15 min later.
here are some pics. thomas also has an online gallery.

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