19 August 2006

white lie & mind torture, short film

Some projects just have to be done due to the script or the people envolved and when both work out at the same time I'm off on a plane - knowing that the budget is more than tight and working conditions will not be as usual. But helping a young production company to get on to their feet is sometimes important and so, with the help of AMF we got a small package together to be able to do the lighting in one of my favourite places - england.
As I started out in the lighting business, I was mostly working on big commercials. I was lucky to learn from the best gaffers in town. Big lights, big set, lots of people, little time, beautiful light. When I became a gaffer, my first bigger job was a small feature film. I managed to keep myself above water but working in small spaces, not having an art department to help you, and not having anything around that I was used to from working on commercials made me quite nervous sometimes! I went back to commercials and in the last few years I've finally found my place in both worlds. Now in England I often had to muse about my beginnings and how much fun I now have fiddling around with two household bulbs and one 800W redhead outside the window. What I found out for myself is that its not about the lighting equipment, it's about the beauty of a scene, the emotions, the people and the magic of light softly touching actors and objects.
For more pictures please click here.

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